25 Proven Ways to Save Money Before Next Year…


It sounds simple because it is, but paying yourself first and utilizing common tools like automating savings transfers can make a huge impact.

“Paying yourself first and automating your savings transfers is a convenient strategy you can leverage to help manage your finances,” said Thacker. “By automating your savings before you allocate your monthly spending, you can grow your personal savings consistently over time.”

Consider this example: If you’re taking home about $4,000 a month, consider paying yourself $500 first automatically and budgeting living expenses with the remaining $3,500. You might not even realize it, but over the course of the next couple of months, you’ll save $2,000.

Be sure to add meeting with a financial advisor to your financial to-do list to help you reach your savings goals. It’s recommended to visit a financial advisor annually — however, only three out of 10 people surveyed said they actually do.

“Just like an annual checkup with your physician, it’s important to be proactive about your financial health,” said Thacker. “Meeting with a TD financial advisor at least once a year is a great place to start. From there, you can establish a regular rhythm and cadence together to work towards your financial goals.”

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About Rev_Rod

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