There’s a lot that Alexa can teach you.
Say you’re thinking about watching a movie but want to find out more before you dedicate your time. Alexa can tell you what the IMDb rating is for a movie, what actors are in it and basically anything else you want to know. You can ask things such as, “Alexa, who plays in the [name of movie]?” Or “Alexa, what is [actor]’s latest movie?”
If you’re curious about any music or artist you’re listening too, that’s also a question for Alexa. To find out who sings a particular song — “Alexa, who sings the song Everything You Can Do With Amazon Alexa?” If you want a scoop on an album — “Alexa, “What year did [band] release [song or album]?”
Alexa can also look up anything online for you. You can ask it to look up something on Wikipedia, or you can ask something such as, “Alexa, how tall is Michael Jordan?”
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