Feeling Depressed? Stay Off Instagram and Watch YouTube Inst…


Do you scroll through your Instagram feed feeling like you’ll never be as attractive and talented as other people? You’re not alone.

A new study from the Royal Society for Public Health in London and its Young Health Movement reveals that Instagram is the “most detrimental” social media platform for young people’s mental health and wellbeing. In February, the organization surveyed nearly 1,500 young people between the ages of 14 and 24, asking them to score how each of the five most popular social media platforms impact their feelings of depression, loneliness, anxiety, their sleep, body image, real-world relationships, ability to express their feelings, define who they are and more.


YouTube was the only platform out of the five that had a “net positive” impact on teens’ wellbeing. Twitter came in second, followed by Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.