How Does Your Daily Routine Compare to Millionaire Entrepren…


In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Venturer follows Grant Cardone through his daily routine. Cardone says he tries to rise before the sun each morning and write down his goals. These are “massive, massive goals. Unachievable, probably, in this lifetime,” but they allow him to think big and consider what is possible. 

Then, Cardone makes sure to get a workout in before heading to the office. There, he tries to squeeze as much as he can into each time slot on his calendar, knowing that the unscheduled time in his day can be chaos. 

Cardone also finds time to see his wife and children — despite the fact that he says he often works until 10 p.m. or later.

Click play to learn more about Cardone’s routine and lifestyle.

Related: How Does Your Family and Upbringing Define Your Entrepreneurial Style?

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