Instagram Tips for the Photo Obsessed…


Do you like Snapchat Stories? Then you’re going to love Instagram, um, Stories. Yes, Instagram copied Snapchat right down to the name. Look for Stories from those you follow at the top of your Instagram feed. Tap to progress through their story, swipe left to move on to the next, press down on the screen for a longer look.

To create your own, tap the plus-sign atop your own profile image on the top-left of the screen or swipe left on the main screen. Then, take a photo or record a video as you normally would from within the app or upload one from your phone by swiping down on the screen. When you’re done, tap the emoji and letters icons on the top right to jazz up your photos or videos, if you want. If you’re not happy with what you’ve written or drawn, select Undo. To keep it, select Done. To erase the entire story, select Cancel; to save it, select the download icon. To share, press the checkmark. Your followers will then be able to see it for 24 hours.

If you want to see who’s seen it, open the story and swipe up on the screen to see the number of times it’s been viewed and who’s seen it.

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About Rev_Rod

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