Want to Be a Successful Investor? Leave the Mutual Funds Beh…


There are better ways to invest than mutual funds.

2 min read

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

For whatever reason, many people give their money to a mutual fund manager, who probably isn’t getting them the returns they deserve. In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Phil Town reveals the truth about mutual funds, and then breaks down why it’s much better to invest on your own if you ever want to be financially free. Some of his reasons include:

  1. You can vote with your money when you invest yourself. If you’re just allowing a mutual fund manager to pick investments for you, you might be helping businesses that you don’t actually support.
  2. You can be more mobile and adaptable as a small investor than bigger investors can be.
  3. Mutual fund managers want to keep your money.

Click play to learn more about mutual funds and the superior alternatives.

Related: What You Need to Know About Emergency Funds to Make Sure You’re Ready for Anything

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About Rev_Rod

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