Welcome to The Goal Standard Challenge!…


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Join Entrepreneur’s The Goal Standard Challenge and make 2017 yours.
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Congratulations on this commitment to making 2017 a successful year. We are excited to have you in this exclusive community of achievers.

As you know, The Goal Standard Challenge is a very special program. The editors at Entrepreneur have reached out to numerous experts and dug through pages of research to design this comprehensive five-week program. With this preparation, you’ll understand the science of goal-setting and habit making, and be better prepared to achieve any goal. It’s just five weeks — but it can better prepare you for anything that might come your way.

What to expect: The Challenge
The challenge is designed around the lifecycle of goal-achieving. There’s the all important Planning Stage, where you’ll craft a goal that you can reach. Then the Honeymoon Stage where we’ll show you how to harness your energy and excitement into positive habits. From there, in a two-week Fight Stage, things will get harder. But our strategies and tips will help you drown out negative voices and give you the tools to keep going. Lastly, we’ll end with a Maintenance Stage, helping you recognize what you’ve learned, what good habits you’ve formed and find ways to build on that foundation.

If you haven’t signed up for The Goal Standard Challenge, fill out the sign-up form at the bottom.

What to expect: This week
Daily articles, Worksheets and Checklists
Of course, before you can reach a goal, you have to set one. We learned in our research that planning is critical. Too often, people focus on the wrong goal or approach and don’t set themselves up for success. On our content hub, We’ll share daily articles as well as worksheets and checklists you can customize for your needs. Use these to rethink how you approach your goals and craft something that works for you.

Facebook Live Event, Wednesday, January 25 1 pm ET
This week, we’ll also introduce you to high-performance coach Todd Herman. Having worked with major athletes, executives and entrepreneurs, Todd will show us how to approach goal setting to ensure you create momentum and confidence. Check out the video above to get a taste of what to expect.

Facebook Live, Event, Thursday, January 26 1 pm ET

Chris Winfield, an expert in helping entrepreneurs maximize their time and accomplishments, will set you up for success by diving into the mindset and motivation needed to prepare you for the changes to come.

Facebook Mini Challenge, Post, Thursday, January 26 

The staff at Entrepreneur will be providing a mini-challenge during the middle of the week focused on setting S.M.A.R.T. — specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound — goals. This will help you focus your objectives and set you on the path to success.

Facebook Live, Event, Friday, January 27 1 pm ET

Having run several multi-million dollar companies and being a certified meditation teacher, Natalie MacNeil is going to show us how to clear your mental and physical clutter to help you get started on the right foot, along with the importance of building a weekly reflection time for your goal-achieving challenge.

Constant Support
To get the most out of the challenge, join our Facebook Group Challenge Accepted. It’s an easy way to connect with all the resources from the challenge as they are published. You’ll also meet our editors and experts, as well as people like you. They’ll answer your questions, encourage you in real time and give you the support you need. As you work through the challenge, use our hashtag #TheGoalStandard and connect with others working toward their goals.  

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About Rev_Rod

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