3 Ways to Guarantee Your Website Fails…


Many of you have a business or are with a company that collects leads on a website. Everyone today is getting leads online, and for good reason. There is a ton of money to be made online. I recently discussed some common mistakes made when handling internet leads, and I wanted to give you a few more this week. Here are three big mistakes to avoid with internet leads:

1. You quit too soon.

The problem with every entrepreneur is they quit before the miracle takes place. You have a 90 percent chance of making contact after six calls. The average contact needs eight calls just to respond after they’ve shown interest. The average company makes fewer than two follow ups to an internet lead.

You have to break through the noise and get ahead of the 100 other people trying to get ahold of them. It’s not about selling them right now but just getting your name, your product, your company and your brand in front of the customer. The top 1 percent never quit too soon. Keep persisting and keep working at it.

Related: 4 Strategies for Generating High-Quality Leads Through Social Media

2. Wrong product.

Sixtyeight percent of the people to hit your website is on a product that they will not purchase.  This is why 79 percent of all leads never, ever convert into the product sale. They are shopping a product they are not going to buy.

Maybe I’m looking at flooring, and I think to myself how I love that flooring, but I don’t buy that flooring. I end up not doing the floor project at all because I decided to redo my kitchen instead. The point is, I’m still a buyer. I still have money, and there is still something you can help me with. It wasn’t the floors, but for the next three months you will send me floor data, floor information, tiles, choices, colors, images.

You’re on the wrong product. I had the wrong interest at the wrong time. So take the time to qualify. Make sure the client knows all the other services and products you offer.

Related: Turn More Prospects Into Customers

3. No research on leads.

Whether I’m trying to buy a watch for myself or a car for my company, nobody takes the time to look at who I am. It’s so easy with the internet to know who your customer is. Google their name, the company, etc. and find out who they are. Get pictures, maps, mission statements and what they’ve accomplished.

If the person doesn’t exist on the internet, then you’ve got to start wondering what kind of customer is this? If you exist in real life you should exist on the internet. I should be able to find something about you by either Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snap Chat or someplace. If you have leads that you think are no good, it’s because you aren’t doing research. Find out who you’re dealing with. You aren’t doing business with a business, you’re doing business with people. Whether it’s 100K employees or a small business, they both are companies of people. People make decisions. The more research you do on your leads, the more you can admire them, edify them and create a connection with them. Don’t neglect the research.

Get leads on the internet but don’t quit too soon, don’t assume you know which product they need and do some research as you are able to. The internet is an entirely different game than face-to-face sales, but the basics of selling always remain the same. The internet gives us massive opportunities to increase revenue, but you have to know what you’re doing. This is why I created Cardone University, the number one sales training platform in the world — to help people increase revenue, grow a business, and to hit wild sales goals. Don’t let your website fail!

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About Rev_Rod

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