Brian Tracy's Best Advice for Young People: It's N…


Think about how you want your life to look in the next three to five years. In a perfect world, what would you be doing on a daily basis? Would you be working as the head of a high-powered company or spending more time with your family? Would you be starting your first semester of college at your dream school or retiring?

No matter where you are in your life, you probably know exactly where you want to go. Whether you’re rich or poor or young or old, you’re going to need a plan to get there.

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy talks about an experience he had with one of his young fans, and how he advised her the same way he advises everyone: Make a plan, and see it through. It’s not too early, and it’s not too late. Just get started now.

Click play to learn more.

Related: The 4-Step Solution to Overcoming Any Fear

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