Focus on This One Thing, and You'll Build a Successful …


In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Business Rockstars works with fellow Entrepreneur Network partner Scott Duffy of Business and Burgers to break down one simple metaphor that can help you focus and get more done.

Imagine that you as an entrepreneur are a builder. If you have one nail and one hammer, you may miss the nail a few times, but eventually you will get it. Similarly, in business, if you focus on one business idea and keep working at it, odds are that you’ll nail it eventually.

But, if you try to juggle multiple business ideas, it can be like trying to hold a hammer in each hand. There is nothing left to hold the nails still, and no matter how many times you try, you won’t be able to hammer the nail in place.

That’s why Duffy recommends you should just focus on one thing and make it as good as you can before allowing your audience and circumstances dictate how your entrepreneurial endeavors should evolve from there.

Click play to learn more.

Related: Do This One Thing Before You Start Building Your Business

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About Rev_Rod

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