If FCC Chairman Ajit Pai gets his way, the Federal Communications Commission will open the doors for internet”fast lanes” by allowing internet service providers to give preferential treatment to favored websites, a practice that is otherwise on the verge of becoming illegal.
Pai has moved to undo the net neutrality regulation the FCC approved (with him voting against it) in 2015 that classified ISPs as telecom services subject to regulation as utilities like the old phone company under Title II of the Federal Communications Act. Revoking the rule would return ISP to much looser regulation Title I.
The FCC is set vote on the change during its May 18 meeting.
Related: FCC Chairman Moves to Eliminate Net Neutrality Regulations
John Oliver, who brilliantly explained the complexities of net neutrality three years ago on Last Week Tonight, returned to the topic Sunday in light of Pai’s repeal effort. The comedian does a great job of explaining what net neutrality is and what’s at stake if the regulation is repealed before it takes effect (Entrepreneur.com editorially supported the net neutrality rule now facing repeal).
Last Week Tonight created a website, GoFCCYourself.com, to make it easy for people to send comments to the FCC on the proposal.
Watch the full bit here:
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