What Entrepreneurs Need to Do to Be Effective Leaders

What Entrepreneurs Need to Do to Be Effective Leaders

What Entrepreneurs Need to Do to Be Effective Leaders


Marcus Antebi has always been an entrepreneur, but the path has never been easy. As a young teenager, he nearly lost his way when he fell into drugs and alcohol. A three-month rehab helped point him in a new direction of healthy eating and a love of fitness and he’s never looked back.

Flash forward a decade, Antebi was a Muay Thai boxer and fought competitively in his 30s.

He’s been involved in many different kinds of businesses over the years, including working in retail jewelry and running a skydiving venture before going all in on his passion for living a healthy lifestyle at Juice Press.

Antebi is a colorful character who is both an enthusiastic leader and a creative force. You might find him writing copy for a new ad or in the kitchen being friendly with the folks who are cutting fresh veggies that day. He is very hands-on when it comes to overseeing production and developing new production tools, products and recipes.

Juice Press has grown from one storefront in 2010, to over 50 stores (including a partnership with Equinox as the exclusive food and beverage provider), with 500-plus employees in just six years.

Entrepreneur Network partner Bryan Elliott visited the company’s New York headquarters and got the full tour of the factory and found Antebi to be a real champion, not only of the brand but in encouraging and educating his staff and customers about how to be more healthy. Looking beyond the juice market, Antebi and his business partner, Michael Karsch, cater to those searching for whole, clean foods. Antebi reveals a ton of great tips for success in this video.

Related: How This Hotel Brand Is Innovating in a Heavily Competitive Market

Watch more video from Behind The Brand on YouTube.

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About Rev_Rod

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